Someone Very Important Is Reading The Gouge...

Someone very important is reading, The Gouge!

It’s Alisha, my wife!  She snatched up one of the proof copies of The Gouge from my shelf and decided to dive into it.  You might be wondering: “Dude, that book has been out for like two years and your wife is just now reading it?  What gives?”  To be fair, though this is the first time she is sitting down and reading the book, Alisha is the one I bounce a lot of my ideas off of.  When we go on walks, I’ll occasionally bother her with my current plot ideas to see what she thinks.  She has been my most supportive friend when it comes to my writing ventures.  She already knows the plots of my books before I write them.  Now, I think she’s just given it enough time that she’s some of the details I shared with her have become foggy or swamped over by the details of my current work in progress, and has decided read The Gouge and get the full effect.  Anyway, I think she’s really enjoying it.  She’s told me so, and I know she’s sincere.  She’s even pointed out things in the book—things I forgot I put in there—just little easter eggs that only someone who knows me personally might pick up on.  It’s fun to share something like that, and very personal as well.  All good stuff!

Keep Reading!    


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