Monday, November 21, 2022

Book Review: Built For This By: Jacqueline Fieck

What an outstanding book of one person’s walk with faith.  I applaud the author on her openness in sharing her journey, including her ups and many low places without sugar coating the latter.  She clearly understands the importance of sharing one’s story to be an essential part of living by the Word, and how it may touch and plant seeds in someone else’s life.  I am a Christian, (far from a perfect one) but I’m afraid I must admit to steering away from books like this on a normal basis.  I tend to find them difficult to read, and sometimes see books like this to be an outlet for the author to spill their life story in hopes of being the next, “look where I came from” story on the Hallmark channel.  Built For This, though the author does share her story, also lays out a plan and suggestive instructions on how to breakdown strongholds and burdens which hold us back from living our true lives that God has meant for us.  She also lays out the very real factors, which pronounce the title loud and clear—we are built for this life.  We are built to sustain the things that are happening in this world, in this day and age.  All in all, this is an encouraging message that brings to light a lot of struggles some of us tend to just outright ignore.

Built For This is available on Amazon for the Kindle, and in Paperback form.  You can FIND IT HERE.

Jacqueline Fieck is also the author of three other books which you can find on her Amazon Author Page.

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