Saturday, August 6, 2022

Book Review: Broken, By: K.M. Harding

I’ve mentioned in the past, I’m not a big fan of reading romance.  I don’t mind romance, in fact, it’s my opinion that every story needs some sort of romance woven into the plot—I just don’t go out of my way to read a book with romance as the primary subject.  With that being said, I was skeptical on whether I was going to enjoy this book.  I bought a copy based on the recommendation of so many friends on social media, but the cover right away made me wonder if this book was right for me.  Digging in for the read, I found that Broken has several thriller novel scenes in the story, but the romance certainly was the backbone of the plot.  I did have a slow start with this one, but the later two thirds of the book ran away with me.

Dani is a fantastic character with an overabundance of thoughts, emotions, and a terribly horrific past.  She shares a lot with the reader in a breaking the fourth wall kind of way, which I found to be a fun choice by the author.  When Dani meets Damien, I kind of cringed at his “night-in-shining-armor” charm.  I worried this would turn out to be one of those cookie-cutter scenarios where the perfect mate swoops into Dani’s life and somehow gives her the determination to overcome all of her past troubles—I don’t want to spoil anything, but that’s not exactly how it goes down.  An unexpected twist shook my theory to the floor and compelled me to go back a re-read a few spots in the book.  I love it when an author can get the jump on me like this.  The surprise twist made up for a lot of mushy stuff.  Seriously though, it’s obvious the author put a lot of heart and emotion into this book.  Great read!

If you enjoy romance with some twists, turns, and some thrills too, I highly recommend Broken.  Broken is available in Paperback, Hardback, and on you kindle.  It is also available for FREE to Kindle Unlimited subscribers.  Find it HERE!

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