Friday, March 12, 2021

I Just Don't Like Social Media That Much... PART TWO

 Part Two:  There is far too much hate, arrogance, and bullying on social media.  Now, this is an opinion that I’ve had from the first swollen up hate filled rant that I read on social media.  I don’t recall the topic of the rant, but I remember knowing to my core that this person would not be saying these words to the recipient if they were face to face.  This thousand-mile buffer zone creates a false sense of bravery for some posters, or trolls as some people call them.  I do my best to reason that maybe this act of dominance over a person they don’t know and probably will never meet is a confidence builder to some.  Maybe taking that stand enabled the poster to stand up to a bully in real life, or walk out on an abuser.  I don’t know, but I can only hope for a positive effect from all of this.  Plus, there are a lot of people that want their opinion to be heard, and why should they?  Why shouldn’t they?  That brings me to the rants of opinions and the spreading of information that is deceptive and sometimes just all over incorrect.  Every human being is capable of doing their own research when they read of some outrageous farce on the internet—I know that I do.  Sorry, I’m just not going to take your word for it.  But I’ve witnessed a lot on social media where people do not do the research.  Someone posts: “Can you believe that enter name of person of interest once said that we should hang babies from trees if they refuse to quit crying?” (Admittedly, not a real post, and a bit of a stretch, but you probably wouldn’t be surprised that it’s not that much of a stretch.)  Replies begin to fill that original post with ideas of canceling or terrorizing that person’s life before any research or confirmation that the information is even legitimate.  Then, there are the arrogant know-it-alls that want to explain the reasoning behind said comment, and why they believe there is more truth to it than ever.  I am the last person that wants to see social media policed by someone who decides what can and can not be posted—that delves into a whole topic of whether or not ones freedom of speech is being restricted.  Maybe we should go back to the first section of this paragraph—how is your freedom of speech being infringed upon if you’re not actually, and literally saying it?  You’re typing it on keyboard a thousand miles away—you’re not saying anything.  And would you even say it if you had an actual., physical audience to say it too?  My principal argument for Part Two:  Social Media makes people grow the balls to say things that they wouldn’t normally say to another person.  Maybe I’m wrong about this—maybe you would walk right up to me unprovoked and call me a twat-waffle for wearing a t-shirt that supported something that you don’t—I think that’s just another problem all together.  Be nice.  Respect one another.  Treat others the way that you would want to be treated.  And please, be understanding—Just because I don’t agree with your point of view, doesn’t mean we can’t coexist on the same planet.  I'm certain that there is no way that we can peacefully remove social media from our existence at this point, but it would be nice if some of us started using it to spread more kindness, instead of tearing others down.  

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