Saturday, February 13, 2021

Knowing When To Regroup

I need to re-think my system for story writing, I think.  Lately, I've been starting stories and getting about 15k - 25k words in before I realize that I need to stop, regroup, and start over.

I've been nursing this story idea for nearly 30k words now, and I think it's time to pull the plug.  Not scrap it all together--just give it a break.  This happens sometimes.  I believe that the overall concept, or idea, for the story is still good, but something is just a little off on this draft.  Maybe it's told from the wrong point of view, or maybe the main character just isn't too interesting--I'll figure it out.  But there's not sense in continuing to beat a dead horse.  

I'll toss this idea to the side for a few weeks and do something else.  Maybe I'll revisit, maybe I won't.  Time will tell.

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