Saturday, May 4, 2024

If You've Reviewed a Book, You Are Awesome!

People who rate and review books are amazing!  Not only have they used their own hard-earned money to purchase the book, but they went out of their way after reading it to tell people what they liked about it.  Believe me, nothing brings more satisfaction to an author's spirit than reading a review from an authentic reader.

Sure, from time to time there are going to be a few bad reviews too.  There has to be.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion of a book.  Whenever these critical reviews pop up, I try to look on the bright side of this; someone still took the time to buy the book and read it.  (Hopefully, anyway.)  If I didn't meet their standards, I guess that's on me.  If I could please everyone with my writing, I wouldn't have a day job.  Right!

If you've recently bought a book, or read a book, please take the time to post a review. Even if it's short and sweet like, "Hey, this book wasn't all that bad."  Shorter reviews are better for future sales anyway.  Shoppers may not spend a lot of time reading over wordy reviews with potential spoilers.  Keep it simple.  Maybe mention a popular book or author the book is similar to.

If you're not great at putting your opinion into words, selecting a star rating is also a fantastic way to show support.  Five stars is preferred, by the way, but if you feel you need to select a lower rating like two stars, or even one star, please be a champ and explain why you gave that rating.  Sometimes these lower star ratings can confuse prospective buyers if they don't know why it was rated that way.  Example: If a book was a genre, you don't normally read, and you were giving it a shot, say just that.  It will tell other viewers that the rating isn't so much a grade on the quality of the book, but rather not matching your tastes.  There's nothing wrong with that.

No matter what, I stand by the title of this post:  If you have rated or reviewed a book ever, I think you are an awesome individual!  Thank you to all that have reviewed my books, and others!  You are making the dreams of so many authors come true!  These Five Stars are for You!

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So, I don't know how long I'll run this little promotion, but I figured what the heck, it's Christmas!  Let's start 2025 wit...