A Writer is Born...
My oldest son and I recently attended a Writer’s Workshop together. We’d never attended one before, so we weren't exactly sure what to expect. It turned out to be a small gathering in a local library. During the workshop, we were asked to write a few things, one of which being what our expectations for our writing were. Was it for fame? Was it for fortune? Why do we write? The following is what I came up with. I'm not sure I stayed on topic, but it’s what I felt! Keep writing everyone! A Writer Is Born He grew up on a farm in a small insignificant town that would be lost on any map. His life felt misplaced from the beginning—constantly caught up in expectations that were not his own—there was no space for him to have dreams of his own. He was always tied down with chores and what was expected of him. With no stars to reach for, there were few opportunities for him to prove himself. He read books and watc...