The Letters Of A Stranger grabbed me with the it's blurb, and I knew I needed to read this book. Good story with lots of twists and turns. The author did a great job of building suspense and dragging the mystery out till the right moment. There was an immense amount of paranoia of looming danger that really kept me hooked. The main character was strong, very independent, and believable—some of her actions seemed a little unreasonable, but it also made her interesting.
I have a few qualms though, and some of this is just personal
preference. First, the style of writing seemed
a little awkward to me. It didn’t feel
personal enough—though we were following the main character the whole time, I
didn’t feel like I understood her thoughts much more than anyone else in the
cast might have. Secondly, and I’m
not in law enforcement at all, so perhaps my understanding of the boundaries of
law enforcement are skewed by what I’ve read and seen on TV, but I really feel
like the police in the story dropped the ball.
To me, there appeared to be plenty of evidence near the beginning of the
story for the police to act on something, but it seemed like all they did was
just throw their hands up and say they couldn’t do anything. However, maybe the police were working behind the scenes all along, and we just weren't made aware of it.
All said and done, this was an enjoyable debut thriller for
the author. Maybe it could use some brushing
up here and there, but the plot kept me reading.
Letters Of A Stranger is available on Amazon, and it is enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited program, so if you're a member, you can read it for free!
Happy Reading!