Well, it actually happened. I’m somewhere between halfway and two thirds complete with the first draft of my WIP. Suddenly, out of nowhere—I wasn’t even trying to drop this wrench into my mind gears—I have come up with a great idea! Why don’t I change everything I thought I was doing with this book, and make it end completely different from what I had planned? What an amazing ending I’d discovered for this story! It’s going to blow people’s minds!
Oh, but wait, but that means this needs to change—that whole chapter doesn’t need to be there—there needs to be a lot of extra back story here—this character needs to be included in that scene. Uh oh. What have I done?
The original ending that I had in mind for the book is great. It works with what I’ve written. It closes the story, and it certainly makes my life a little bit easier. But why not a little shock and awe?
Something similar to his happened when I was writing, The Gouge, but not so much to this extent. In all honesty, in order to pull off this new ending, it may be easier to just re-write everything I have from scratch just to make sure I don’t create a plot hole something.
I’m going to need to put some thought into this. I will figure it out. Yes, it is a little annoying, but I’m going to turn this around and make it exciting too. I’m not sure which way I’m going with this now, but one thing is for sure, I can’t wait to share it with both of you!